Regional Reunions
Statesmen Around The Nation - Plan A Regional ReunionPlan a regional reunion and gather WGSD Alumni in your surrounding area!
Contact us at and we can help spread the word to your Webster Groves Statesmen Alumni!
In 2014, Karen Coffman (class of 1966) and Carl Bewig (class of 1958) hosted the first Webster Groves High School Regional Reunion in Boston, MA.
Local classmates enjoyed socializing while being served floating hors d'oeuvres prepared by Mr. Coffman, whom is a chef. Mrs. Coffman gave a tour of her spectacular garden and former WGHS Principal and WGSD Alumni Director, Pat Voss represented our WGSD in style. The wonderful day was filled with reminiscing about inspiring teachers and high school shenanigans aka “what was your class senior prank.”