Wall of Fame
To be considered for the Wall of Fame, candidates must:
- Have graduated from Webster Groves High School at least 15 years prior to nomination. Posthumous nominations will be considered as well.
- Be evaluated on the significant contributions they have made to their respective field(s) and/or their significant contributions in the area of volunteerism/philanthropy.
- Be contacted to grant consent for consideration and to verify submitted data.
- Graduates may self-nominate.
Previously, the selection for the Wall of Fame was handled entirely by the faculty of Webster Groves High School. We are now seeking alumni volunteers to assist with the selection process. If you would like to participate in this endeavor, please email WGAlumni@wgmail.org.
Previous Wall of Fame Inductees listed alphabetically with graduation year:
Altobelli, Mark, 1977
Altobelli, Laura, 1970
Arnold, John Fox, 1955
Askov, Eunice Nicholson, 1958
Barenkamp, Stephen M.D., 1969
Bascomb, Stuart, 1959
Beall, Lynnette, 1955
Bickley, Corine A., 1967
Bradley, Scott, F., 1979
Buchanan, George R., 1962
Cahill, Patricia Dubrouillet, 1965
Casey, Marty K., 1989
Clement, Bradley C., 1989
Corrigan, Patricia, 1966
Crenshaw, Kelvin Nelson, 1982
Deyton, Lawrence “Bopper”, 1970
Dotson, Robert, 1964
Dunlop, David A., 1969
Duvall, Clarence J., 1977
Ewing, Steve, 1988
Farwell, Victor, 1969
Ford, Joey, 1972
Franzen, Jonathan E., 1977
Garnett, Ruth, 1972
Gustafson, Julie, 1954
Harris, Roy J., 1964
Henderson, Alan, 1964
Hinson, David A., 1979
Hoss, Don, 1954
Johanson, Ann, M.D.,1952
Johnstone, George "Brick", 1980
Jost, Jerry, 1965
Keane, Cid, 1954
Keane, C. John, 1980
Keane, Jeff, 1985
Koch, Robert W, USN, 1952
Machen, James, 1962
Martin, James G., 1976
Matsakis, Demetrios, 1967
McArtor, Eugene S., 1958
Mcartor, T. Allan, 1960
McAtee, John, 1954
McDonald, Jim, 1966
Mestemacher, Steven (Steve) A., 1965
Michenfelder, John D. (Jack) M.D., 1949
Mitchell, Russ, 1978
Moellenhoff, James P., 1967
Nance, Linda, 1973
Nations, John Mark, 1981
Page, Richard S., 1955
Paterakis, Alice J. Boccia, 1973
Peacock, David, 1986
Phemister, Robert D., 1954
Rehkopf, Fredrick A. “Fritz”, 1956
Sandler, Faith A., 1978
Sarich, Andrew "Drew", 1993
Schaller, George B., 1951
Schlatter, George H., 1947
Schuchard, Oliver A., 1962
Siegmund, David Oliver (Dave), 1959
Smith, Harriet S. Stein, 1963
Sohm, Joseph, 1966
Spencer, Candice L. Coffee, 1979
Sprague, Randy S., 1967
Tate, Mary Fitzgerald, 1983
Toft, Richard P., 1954
Turner, David E., 1978
Vesey, Peter C., 1963
Walker, Kevin S., 1979
Webster, William H., 1941
Whitfield, Kennard, 1951
Wrisberg, Craig A., 1963
Wurtz, Robert, 1954
Yaeger, Douglas H., 1967