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Facility Use and Rentals

Facility Use and Rentals

Effective July 1, 2022, the district will be using rSchoolToday for facility usage requests. You will need to register on the site.

There is a short video tutorial here.


As a service to the community and in accordance with state law, the Board of Education may allow the use of public school facilities by individuals, groups and associations for educational, recreational, social, civic, philanthropic and other similar purposes as the Board deems are for the best interests of the community.

Permission to use school facilities will be granted to community organizations and residents by the superintendent, or his or her designee, in keeping with the policies, rules and regulations adopted by the Board. However, such use will not interfere in any way with the regular programs and activities of the school district.

A nominal rental fee to cover operational costs (heat, lights, etc.) and custodial service will be charged in accordance with a schedule recommended by the superintendent and approved by the Board. The Board may consider waiving the fee for special public programs.

The use of playgrounds and buildings during the summer months for recreational purposes shall be governed by the superintendent according to the Board policies, rules and regulations.

A valid certificate of insurance will be required before any permit for school facilities will be approved.

Adopted: April 28, 2003
Legal Refs: 177.031, RSMo.
Webster Groves School District, St. Louis County, Missouri

Internal:  School or District events 
No rental fees or custodial fees applied; Use of another building must be approved by that building’s administrator and the Director of Operations. School/District sponsored events must be directly supervised by a WGSD administrator or their designee.
Examples: BOE meetings, band concerts, open houses, etc.

Elections: St. Louis County Board of Elections Polling Places
No rental or custodial fees applied;
RSMo Section 115.117 The election authority may designate tax-supported public buildings or buildings owned by any political subdivision or special district to be used as polling places for any election, and no official in charge or control of any such public building shall refuse to permit the use of the building for election purposes.  

Group 1:  School sponsored clubs, PTO sponsored activities, official feeder teams, Scouts
No rental fees; custodial fees will be applied if needed, WGSD will determine custodial needs. Table and chair fees will be applied if the user requires additional items delivered from another building. 
*Must be directly supervised by a sponsoring adult; school sponsored clubs must be directly supervised by a WGSD administrator and/or certified employee.
Examples: PTO movie night, scout meetings, WGHS designated feeder team practices and games

Club and PTO events:  Events must be approved by the building administrator and must take place at their home building, use of another building may apply Group 2 fees.

Feeder teams:  One local club/team may be designated as an official feeder team for each WGHS athletic team; The head coach, or an assistant coach, for the WGHS team must serve as coach or liaison for the feeder team; all players must reside in WGSD boundaries. The Superintendent, or their designee, will approve feeder teams.

Scouts:  In accordance with law, when the district allows youth or community groups not affiliated with the district to use district facilities outside of school hours, the district will provide equal access and related services and benefits to groups officially affiliated with the Boy Scouts of America, Girl Scouts of the United States of America, Big Brothers Big Sisters of America, Boys and Girls Clubs of America, or other groups or organizations listed in Title 36 of the U.S. Code that are intended to serve young people under age 21.

Group 2:  Local youth groups, parent-led clubs & groups 
Non-for-profit groups located within the district that provide a direct benefit to district students. Custodial fees will be applied if needed, WGSD will determine custodial needs. *Must be directly supervised by a sponsoring adult.

Group 3:  Local adult groups
Non-for-profit groups or municipalities located within the district that provide a direct benefit to residents within WGSD. Rental fees will be applied; Custodial fees will be applied if needed, overtime and/or additional coverage/supervision, WGSD will determine custodial needs.

Group 4:  Outside groups 
Non-for-profit groups that are not based within the district. Rental fees will be applied; Custodial fees applied if needed, WGSD will determine custodial needs.

Groups 1-4 must provide a certificate of insurance in compliance with BOE policy.


As a service to the community and in accordance with state law, the Board of Education may allow the use of public school facilities by individuals, groups and associations for educational, recreational, social, civic, philanthropic and other similar purposes as the Board deems are for the best interests of the community.

Permission to use school facilities will be granted to community organizations and residents by the superintendent, or his or her designee, in keeping with the policies, rules and regulations adopted by the Board. However, such use will not interfere in any way with the regular programs and activities of the school district.

A nominal rental fee to cover operational costs (heat, lights, etc.) and custodial service will be charged in accordance with a schedule recommended by the superintendent and approved by the Board. The Board may consider waiving the fee for special public programs.

The use of playgrounds and buildings during the summer months for recreational purposes shall be governed by the superintendent according to the Board policies, rules and regulations.

A valid certificate of insurance will be required before any permit for school facilities will be approved.

Adopted: April 28, 2003
Legal Refs: 177.031, RSMo.
Webster Groves School District, St. Louis County, Missouri