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Bus Safety

Tips for a Safe Ride

School buses are the safest way for students to travel. Nearly two-thirds of school bus-related fatalities of school-age children occur outside of the school bus. Children need to do their part to stay safe both in and around school buses:

At the Bus Stop:

  • Arrive early at the bus stop – at least five minutes before the bus is scheduled to arrive
  • Stand 6 feet (or three giant steps) away from the curb while waiting for the bus
  • Supervise young children

Around the Bus

  • Cross in front of the bus – at least 10 feet (or five giant steps) – and make eye contact with the driver before crossing
  • Never walk behind the bus
  • If you drop something near the bus, do not pick it up; tell the bus driver instead

Getting On/Off the Bus

  • Wait until the bus has stopped and the door opens before approaching the bus or standing up on the bus
  • Use the handrail
  • Secure any loose or hanging objects like straps on a backpack or drawstrings on a hood

Behavior on the Bus:

  • Buckle up if seat belts are available
  • Stay in your seat keeping head, arms and papers inside the bus, and talk quietly
  • Keep aisles clear of books and bags

Per Board Policy: EEA Student Transportation Services

District vehicles carrying students will be considered extensions of the school environment. Any student whose conduct on district transportation is improper or jeopardizes the safety of other students may be suspended from district transportation services and may be disciplined in accordance with district policy. Uniform rules of conduct and disciplinary measures will be enforced. Students with disabilities will be disciplined according to law.

Access to all district transportation is limited to authorized riders and staff. All district staff and drivers shall report any instance of trespass to appropriate administrators and law enforcement agencies.

For more information: