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Survey Logistics

When will the survey be administered to students?
The Fall survey window will be September 30 - October 11, 2024
The Spring survey window will be March 10 - 20, 2025

Will we be able to preview the student surveys?
Yes. The surveys can be found here.  

How is the survey administered?
Students use an electronic device to access their unique and secure survey link. The survey is taken at school during the school day, under the supervision of staff. Staff and families will be provided a link to complete their designated survey. 

What if I don’t want my student(s) to participate?
Parents and guardians will be able to complete a brief online form in Infinite Campus to exclude their child from participating in each of the district’s Culture and Climate surveys for the 2024 - 2025 school year. The exclusion form will only need to be completed once per school year. The form will be available on August 27th and will need to be completed by 11:59 p.m. on September 13. Given the length of the survey, students who  are not approved by their parents/guardians to complete the surveys will be given the opportunity to do other tasks (homework, study, reading on their own) during the brief period of time surveys are being completed. If you have a question relating to excluding your child from taking the surveys, please contact Dr. Williamson

Will this impact my student’s grades if they don’t take the survey?
No. There is no credit or grade which is given to students for participating or not participating. The survey is totally voluntary.