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Equity Resolution

In 2001, the Webster Groves School District created a resolution which acknowledged historic discrepancies in learning and performance among groups of children in its schools and resolved to eliminate those discrepancies by working together with others.  While progress has been made, disparities still exist.  The following proclamation is written to declare the district’s commitment to creating a safe, nurturing, and supportive culture and environment where everyone feels valued for who he or she is and where discrepancies in learning and performance among groups are no longer found.

WHEREAS, the Webster Groves School District’s commitment to equity and justice will be consistently expressed in words and actions.

WHEREAS, we recognize the importance of understanding the aspects of our district community’s history which were especially unjust and inequitable for people of color, and the effect they still have on all children and families today.

WHEREAS, we believe in the dignity and worth of every person regardless of his or her race, color, religion, sex, national origin, ancestry, ability, age, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, socioeconomic status, or any other individual characteristic.

WHEREAS, the mission of the district is to ensure “academic and personal success” for every child.

WHEREAS, the core values of the district include diversity, individuality, community, and courage.

WHEREAS, we believe in fostering equity, justice, acceptance, dignity and equal rights for all children and adults.

WHEREAS, we strive to remove social, cultural and educational barriers that members of our district community may experience through learning, advocacy, and community partnerships.

WHEREAS, we believe we must directly confront issues of bias and social injustice in order to eliminate the inequitable practices and unsafe environments these issues create for everyone.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Webster Groves School District Board of Education on this date May 31, 2017, affirms its commitment to lead efforts to advance a culture of equity and justice leading to better lives for all, including but not limited to the elimination of disparities which exist across groups of children in this school district.