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Food Service


1.) Q. What is the price for breakfast?
  A. Elementary breakfast is $1.95; secondary breakfast is $2.00;reduced breakfast $0.30.
2.) Q. What is the price for lunch?
  A. Elementary lunch will be $3.00; secondary lunch will be $3.05; reduced lunch $0.40.
3.) Q. What if my child brings their lunch from home, can they buy just milk?
  A. Yes. The price for a carton of milk is $.65.
4.) Q. How do I put money in my student’s lunch account?
  A. At the middle school and the high school, you can send cash or a check with your student, and they can deposit it when they go through the cashier line at lunch or breakfast. 

For the elementary schools, it is best to put the cash or a check in an envelope with the student’s name and mark as “lunch account money”. The homeroom teachers collect the money in the morning. 

The other choice is to send the deposit to: 

Webster Groves High School 
100 Selma Avenue 
Webster Groves, MO 63119 
Attention: Food Service Office
5.) Q. Who do I make the check out to?
  A. Make the check out to Webster Groves School District.
6.) Q. How do I apply for Free or Reduced Price Meals?

Children from low-income families are extended lunch and breakfast free or at a reduced price based on Temporary Assistance/Food Stamp eligibility or according to a family size and income scale announced annually by the Secretary of Agriculture.

To apply, fill out a Free and Reduced Price School Meals Family Application  and return it to:

Webster Groves High School 
100 Selma Avenue 
Webster Groves, MO 63119 
Attention: Food Service Office

The information provided on the application is confidential and will be used only for the purpose of determining eligibility. If you have any questions, please call Director of Dining Services Brittany Richars at 918-4156 or 961-1233, ext. 11935, or email:

7.) Q. I applied for free/reduced lunch at the beginning of the school year, but I did not qualify. Can I reapply later during the school year if my situation changes?
  A. Yes, if your income changes, or the number of people in your household changes, you can reapply at any time during the school year.
8.) Q. What if I’m approved for free/reduced lunches and my income increases during the school year, do I need to reapply for free/reduced lunches?
  A. No, once an application for free/reduced lunches has been approved for the current school year, you do not need to reapply. However, at the beginning of each school year, you will need to reapply for that school year.
9.) Q. Is it possible to view my student's lunch account online?
  A. Yes. Webster Groves School District offers secure online access to your child's information via the Parent Portal. This tool allows parents/guardians to use the internet to check various aspects of their student's records such as attendance and lunch balances. Go to the school district home page, then to Parent Center, then to WGSD Parent Portal. You will find instructions there for establishing a Parent Portal account.
10.) Q. Is there a way I can limit what my student spends for breakfast or lunch?
  A. Yes, you have a few choices.

You can limit your student's spending with a daily maximum dollar amount. You can block all ala carte purchases. You can block breakfast or lunch.  You can block both breakfast and lunch. 

If you would like to request any of the above options, please send an email or a written note to the Food Service Office with your request.  The email address is  Or you can mail your request to Webster Groves High School, 100 Selma Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63119, ATTN:  Food Service Office. Please include the student's name, school, what limits you want and a phone number where you can be reached if there are any questions. 

Negative Balance Policy:

All students will be charged for reimbursable meals even when their account is at a negative balance. A student will not be denied a reimbursable meal even with unpaid balances on file.  Students may not charge a la carte items. A student will not be shamed, singled out or punished for failure of the family to pay for or provide meals. All money collected will be posted to the student's meal account. Webster Groves School District will provide weekly notifications to parents/guardians when account balances run low. 

If you have any questions, please call Brittany Richars, Food Services Director, at 314-918-4156 between the hours of 7:00am and 3:00pm.