WGSD/SSD Parent Advisory Committee
The Webster Groves district PAC (Parent Advisory Committee) was formed by families who want to do everything in their power to see that children with disabilities and/or unique learning needs are not only educated effectively but afforded the dignity of belonging in our public schools.
PAC representatives communicate regularly and directly with SSD and WG administrators about the needs and interests of students who have IEPs and 504 plans. Webster Groves also has one new representative to the SSD PAC, Gayle Jones.
PAC Contacts
Liaison | Email & Phone | |
Gayle Jones | dal-diva@swbell.net | |
314-323-4993 | ||
Rebecca O'Laughlin | rebeccamichellelinz@gmail.com | |
(646)957-5424 | ||
JJ Gossrau | jgosssrau@gmail.com | |
(314)330-7855 | ||
Dawn Fredman | dawn.fredman@gmail.com | |
(636) 498-1289 |
Administrative Contacts
Director of Special Education |
Early Childhood Area Coordinator |
Section 504 Coordinator |