Curriculum Coordinating Council
Meets: 4 times per year
Contact: Jason Adams – 961-1233
Length of term: 3 Years
General Activities:
- Receive updates on the progress of district curriculum committees, textbook selection committees, and program evaluation committees;
- Develop, publicize, and monitor use of standards for the process used to complete program evaluations and textbook selection;
- Share information regarding curriculum and program evaluation committees with their constituents;
- Review program evaluation reports based on adopted standards before they are submitted to the BOE for approval;
- Review newly developed curriculum guides based on State and local standards before they are submitted to the BOE for approval;
- Act as a sounding board for the public before curriculum and instruction issues are taken to the BOE;
- Share information on best practices both inside and outside the district;
- Monitor the effectiveness of the curriculum and instruction of the district by examining assessment data on an annual basis;
- Develop, publicize, and monitor curriculum/program review cycle for all programs;
- Recruit parent and community members to serve on curriculum and program evaluation committees;
- Assist BOE in the area of curriculum and instruction as assigned.
- Membership will be for a three year term. No more than approximately one third of the membership will change each year.
Meeting Location: Central Office