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Roles and Responsibilities

The purpose of the FAC shall be to monitor financial issues and trends facing the Webster Groves School District and to provide public oversight and advice to the Board and the District’s administration regarding financial and related issues, acting in the public’s best interest as a community representative and liaison to the Board. The FAC shall be fact-finding and advisory in nature, and not executive. The role and actions of the FAC shall be subject in all respects to the Board’s policies and requirements regarding advisory committees generally and the FAC specifically, and the FAC shall not have the power to make monetary or other decisions for the Board.

Please see the handbook and bylaws for more information.

Members shall be appointed to three-year terms by the Board of Education

Tara Scheer
*Alex Kahn
Emilie Vaughan
Cullen Kuhn
Kurt Schafers
Chantal Hoffsten
Justin Hauke
Grayson McComb
Kathryn Drennen
Martin Stammer
Eric Minute
Aaron Winkler
Rob Martin
Jacob Myers