4 November 2019
Student Voice in Education hosted by Connected Learning
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
4:00pm – 6:00pm at Hudson Elementary School
This evening will be about connecting with local educators who are working to disrupt the current educational landscape for the good of our learners. Our hope is that together we can create a new understanding of what education could be using student choice and voice to drive our curriculum, incorporate standards, and improve teaching practices.
Kate & Maggie Roberts DIY Literacy Video Series
Teaching Tolerance Self-Guided Learning:
Teaching Tolerance provides a range of materials—articles, modules, self-assessments, publications and more—that allow educators to improve their practice at their own pace.
Educators For Social Justice - podcast sessions http://www.educatorsforsocialjustice.org/podcast-episodes
Anti-Bias Un-Conference for Educators of All Kinds
1-4pm http://www.educatorsforsocialjustice.org/
When: Sun, November 10, 12pm – 5pm
Where: Hixson Middle School, 630 S Elm Ave, Webster Groves, MO 63119
SAVE THE DATE: EdCamp 2020
When: Friday, February 14, 2020
Where: Hixson
What: "Embracing the belief that fellow educators can be some of the most valuable professional development resources for their colleagues..."
Grant Opportunities:
- The Webster Groves School District iDEA Committee has developed a grant to support professional learning that enables teachers to implement innovative practices designed to enhance learning for all students. The purpose is not to supplement available general operating funds, but to provide money for a worthwhile project that would not otherwise be funded by the Webster Groves School District.
Application available upon request (see your building iDEA representative or visit the iDEA's website) - The WGSD Foundation awards two kinds of grants: Major Grants (from $1,001 to $15,000) and mini-grants (up to $1,000). These applications are available at www.wgsdfoundation.org. All applications must be signed off by the principal and directly submitted to info@wgsdfoundation.org.
- September 4th: Grant Workshop to ask questions and discuss grant ideas with WGSDF Grant Committee - WGSD Service Center - 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm
- October 7 or Before: All Preliminary Grant Questionnaires due
- November 20th: All grant applications due (mini and major)
- End of January: Grants reviewed
- February: Grants awarded
- Teachers are encouraged to seek out building level parent support for other potential grant opportunities.