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Legislative Advocacy Committee


The Webster Groves School District Legislative Advocacy Committee was initiated in fall 2010. It is a politically neutral group of Webster Groves School District citizens, parents, community members, students, and staff that meets regularly with the Superintendent. Its purpose is to research and study public policy issues that have impact on the Webster Groves School District. Guided by the Committee's Statements of Belief, members give feedback to the Superintendent, take a position on the issues, communicate with elected officials, and educate other parents and citizens. Elected officials may attend or send representatives to monthly meetings as their schedules permit.  During the 2012-13 academic year, Kirkwood School District members joined the committee.  Then, prior to the 2013-14 academic year, the Committee welcomed the Maplewood-Richmond Heights School District.  The Legislative Advocacy Committee is currently composed of members representing all three school districts.


Committee members will:

  1. Engage in Civil Discourse
  2. Respect Different Points of Views
  3. Hold Purposeful Meetings with a Clear Charge
  4. Receive and Review Background Information Prior to the Meeting
  5. Focus on Students' Best Interests
  6. Be Prepared and Complete All Homework
  7. Stay on Topic and Respect Time Limits
  8. Share Discussion Time with Fellow Committee Members
  9. Add Their Voice to Discussions
  10. Remain Politically Neutral