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Emergency Preparedness

The superintendent or designee, in cooperation with the building principals, will develop emergency drills for bus emergencies, fires, tornados, earthquakes, bomb threats and armed intruder/active shooter situations. Additional emergency drills may be developed and practiced at the discretion of the superintendent. Instruction on all emergency drills shall be given early in the school year, and emergency drills shall be held regularly throughout the year. The district will conduct emergency drills as required by law and policy and will ensure that the number of emergency drills conducted is sufficient to give instruction and practice in proper actions by staff and students during lockdown, shelter-in-place and evacuation.  Emergency exiting procedures will be posted near the door in each building.

The building principal will schedule and execute emergency drills. Principals who schedule emergency drills will provide the superintendent advance notice of the drills. The district will cooperate and coordinate emergency drills with other community agencies such as the fire department, law enforcement officials, emergency medical services and local emergency planning committees. Pursuant to law, armed intruder/active shooter drills will be conducted and led by law enforcement professionals.

Emergency evacuation drills on school buses will be conducted for all students in grades kindergarten through six at least once per semester with the first drill completed prior to October 31 annually.