Disability Services
Census on Disabilities
To meet requirements of the state Department of Education, the Webster Groves School District takes an annual census of all children with disabilities under the age of 21 who live within the district's borders. Parents and guardians are asked to notify the district by filling out the form below by May 2.
The census covers children and youth with disabilities who are not served by the Special School District of St. Louis County, but receive services either by the Webster Groves School District or other school districts, state agencies, private schools or parochial schools.
All children with disabilities who live in the district are eligible for special education under Missouri law, the federal Rehabilitation Act, Section 504 and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. All census information is confidential.
Children who have already been identified as suspected of disabilities, although the diagnosis is incomplete, are included in the accounting.
For information on categories of disabilities, please call the Special School District 314-989-8100.
Disability Services
The Webster Groves School District conducts an annual survey of all children with disabilities under the age of 21 who live in the district and not now served by the Special School District of St. Louis County.
The survey complies with Missouri statutes, the federal Rehabilitation Act, Section 504 and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, which ensures confidentiality of all information.
Child’s name___________________________________________________________
Sex______________ Age_____________ Date of birth_________________________
Birth certificate number___________________________________________________
Nature of disability_______________________________________________________
City, state_____________________________________________________________
Phone number (day)___________________________Evening___________________
Return completed form by May 2 to Special Education Survey, Webster Groves School District, 400 E. Lockwood Ave., Webster Groves, MO 63119.