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Special Education Services

Special Education Services

All students between the ages of three and 21 who reside in St. Louis County are eligible for special education and vocational education services offered through the Special School District. Students with disabilities attending parochial and private schools have the right to appropriate special education and related services.


The Special School District serves county students with disabilities classified as cognitively impaired, emotionally disturbed, physically impaired, specific learning disabled, speech/language impaired, deaf or hard of hearing, blind or partially seeing, deaf-blind, multi-handicapped, autism, traumatic brain injury and other health impaired.


The Special School District staff also provides routine and in-depth hearing, and speech and language screenings as well as educational diagnostic evaluations for more than 100,000 children each year. Special education classes for three- and four-year-old students with disabilities and home teaching for home- and hospital-bound students also are offered by the Special District.


Additional information regarding special education and the Special District is available by calling the Special District at 989-8100.