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Title IX Parent-Student Memo

Title IX—No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any educational program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.”

Webster Groves School District is committed to ensuring all staff and students are safe. In addition, we make every effort to ensure all are aware of the appropriate behaviors that support our policies and procedures. Due to this, the District has adopted Board policies AC, ACA, And AC-AF1 to address any concerns regarding discrimination, harassment, retaliation, Title IX violations, etc. In addition, annually, WGSD offers training to staff and students regarding Title IX.

If you or someone you know experiences any of the following examples of harassment, please contact your building administrator or the Title IX Coordinator at:

[NAME] Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources
[POSITION/JOB TITLE] Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources
[OFFICE ADDRESS] 400 E Lockwood Ave., St. Louis, MO 63119
[TELEPHONE NUMBER] 314.918.4000


Applicable to men and women are the following Prohibitions of Title IX:
√ Sexual Misconduct
√ Sexual Discrimination
√ Sexual Harassment
√ Retaliation
√ Discrimination of students who are pregnant or parents
√ Failure to provide equal opportunity in athletics

Remember…the scope of Title IX applies to all individuals (students, staff, and faculty) in an educational program or activity-locations, events, or circumstances over which the school district exercised substantial control over both the Respondent and the context in which the sexual harassment occurs.

Some Examples of Title IX Violations

Verbal Visual Physical
Abusive or vulgar Sexually explicit or suggestive materials Intentional physical contact that is sexual in nature
Obscene Pornographic materials Sexual Assault (rape, sodomy, fondling, incest, statutory rape, etc.)
Repeated flirtations Sexually suggestive objects or notes Block or impede another’s movement
Comments re: body or sexual preferences   Touch one’s self
Persistent questions about personal life   Dating Violence
Sexually suggestive   Domestic Violence

Again, anyone can report acts of discrimination, including parents, students, staff, community members, etc.

Please note the following documents related to Title IX:

  1. Notice of Discrimination—this is an explanation of our commitment to provide a school environment where discrimination does not exist.
  2. WGSD Grievance Procedures—this explains our process once someone makes a complaint.
  3. Formal Complaint Document—this is a sample document anyone can utilize to file a formal complaint. However, you do not need to utilize this form to file a formal complaint.
  4. Board Policies AC, ACA, AC-AF1

The Title IX Officers are responsible for conducting all Title IX investigations. If an employee, student, parent, legal guardian, etc., witnesses any prohibitions or forms of harassment, please do the following:

Student on Student or Staff on Staff Harassment Allegations:

Call/email the Building Administrator or Title IX Coordinator.  

The Title IX Coordinator will begin the process and make contact with the you.

Investigation may or may not be conducted with results and a report.


Student on Staff or Staff on Student Harassment Allegation:

Call/email the Building Administrator or Title IX Coordinator.  

The Title IX Coordinator will begin the process and make contact with the you.

Investigation may or may not be conducted with results and a report.

Title IX - Formal Complaint Form