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English Language Arts

Webster Groves School District Literacy Goals and Beliefs

Webster Groves Literacy Goals and Beliefs are aligned with Missouri’s Department of Education’s Literacy Framework that supports students’ development of skills and knowledge to become fully literate by integrating listening, speaking, reading, writing, and critical thinking across all media types; recognizing and using language that is appropriate to a situation; and thinking, creating, questioning, analyzing, problem-solving, and reflecting (Steps to Success: Step 1, p. 12).

Goal 1 of the WGSD Strategic Plan is to provide Excellent Teaching and Learning with the objective to better personalize and individualize learning for students and staff. We work to provide each student with an educational environment in which they can flourish and compete in the global workplace (WGSD Strategic Plan, p. 5). 

WGSD Literacy Goals and Beliefs 

  • Reading instruction should include the five key concepts of reading: Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, Fluency, Vocabulary, and Comprehension.

  • All students need systematic, explicit, multisensory instruction in foundational reading skills to become proficient readers.

  • Students need purposeful, differentiated, and authentic learning experiences to build fluency and stamina.

  • Students need to be provided with diverse, culturally responsive, and increasingly complex texts to provide rich reading experiences that develop background knowledge, vocabulary, and critical thinking skills.

  • Students should engage in conversation and collaboration with others about their reading and writing experiences.

  • Students need time for independent reading with texts of their own choosing.

  • Balancing explicit, systematic phonics instruction with reading and writing workshops provides students with the best support for academic excellence and continuous growth.

English Language Arts Full Curriculum

First page of the PDF file: ELA_Curriculum_K-12