Inspiring students' lives and communities through learning
In This Section
Grade Level Learning Goals
3rd Grade (learning by rote)
By the end of 3rd grade, students should be able to:
Properly hold the violin in playing and rest positions
Identify parts and functions of the violin and bow
Demonstrate proper pizzicato and bowing techniques
Name and play all open strings; and 1st, 2nd, and 3rd finger pitches on all strings
Be able to demonstrate basic beginner rhythms by rote
Perform songs by rote and with note name “cheat sheets” in unison with others
4th Grade (start Essential Elements Book 1)
By the end of 4th grade, students should be able to:
All 3rd grade expectations
Name and play all 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th finger pitches on all strings
Read, identify, count (using number counting system), and demonstrate whole, half, quarter, and eighth note rhythms and rests
Perform music in 4/4, 3/4, and 2/4 time signatures
Read and identify 1st endings, 2nd endings, and repeat signs
Name all lines and spaces on the staff
Perform music in 2-part canon
5th Grade (continue and complete Essential Elements Book 1)
By the end of 5th grade, students should be able to:
All 3rd and 4th grade expectations
Demonstrate slurs and ties
Define Da Capo, Fine, and upbeats
Read and identify dotted half notes
Demonstrate swinging 8th notes
Define and demonstrate staccato bowing technique
Demonstrate forte and piano dynamic levels
Perform orchestrated music in several parts
In 5th grade, students will continue in Essential Elements Book 1 where they left off from 4th grade, and complete the book by the end of the year. This way, when they continue orchestra at the intermediate level in 6th grade at Hixson, they will be ready to start Essential Elements Book 2.