Close to 100
2+ players
1 Regular Deck of Cards - remove the face cards and jokers
- Deal 6 cards to each player.
- Use the cards to make 2-digit numbers; for example, 6 and 5 could make 56 or 65. Try to make two 2-digit numbers that, when added, give you a total that is close to 100.
- Write the two numbers and total on the Close to 100 Recording Sheet or a regular sheet of paper.
- Find your score. Your score is the difference between your total and 100. For example, if the total is 98, the score is 2. If the total is 105, the score is 5.
- Put the used cards in a discard pile. Keep the two unused cards.
- (For younger students, it may help if they use pennies to keep track of their score.)
- Deal four new cards. Make two 2-digit numbers that, when added, give you a total that is close to 100. (If you run out of cards, shuffle the discard pile, and use them.)
- After each player has taken 5 turns, total your score.
- The player with the lowest total score is the winner.